
Stock Photo of Stack of LDPE Pipes Cut and Kept in Bag

Original price was: $2.00.Current price is: $1.00.


Stack of LDPE Pipes Cut and Kept in Bag

File information:
File name: 99SP0000084.JPG
File size: 5,424,258 Byte

Image information:
Software: DSC-RX100 v1.10
Created: 01/01/2012, 01:52:03
Digitalized: 01/01/2012, 01:52:03
Modified: 01/01/2012, 01:52:03
Image size: 5472 x 3080 Pixel
Horizontal res.: 350 dpi (dots per inch)
Vertical res.: 350 dpi (dots per inch)
Compression: 2 Bits/Pixel
EXIF version: 2.3
FlashPix ver.: 1.0

Camera information:
Manufacturer: SONY
Model: DSC-RX100

Camera settings:
Flash light: (unknown)
F-Nummer: F 1.8
Max. aperature value: F 1.8
Exposure time: 1/30 sec.
Focusal length: 10.0 mm
Exposure program: Normal control
ISO speed rate: ISO-125
Metering mode: Center
Light source: Daylight